Friday, 4 October 2019

How Can Warehouse Management Tracking Systems Beneficial Your Operations?

Nowadays, more and more warehouses are starting to work towards implementing radio frequency identification, or RFID for short, into their warehousing operations. On this page, we are going to take a little look at why you should consider implementing this system, if you have not already, at least.

For those who are unaware, RFID is fairly similar to a barcode system. This means that items can be ‘scanned’. However, you do not have to fumble around to actually scan the code. When the RFID chip, which will normally be embedded into the product packaging or a box, passes by a scanner, even if the scanner is a few feet away, the signal given out by the RFID chip can be read. It is an incredibly effective piece of technology.

Many companies have started to implement RFID technology in a bid to cut down on the cost of labour. As you may well know, it is incredibly expensive to employ all of the staff needed to run an effective warehouse. Let’s say you use a barcode system. You would need a single person there, scanning each and every item that came their way. Perhaps they would need to fill out some paperwork to boot. You do not have to do that with RFID. The whole process is very much automated. This will help you to drastically cut down on staff members.

Checking warehouse items with RFID

Many warehouses are actually using RFID in order to check what items are in a box without actually opening the box up. This is going to help ensure that the item is sent out correctly and the likelihood of returns, which can be incredibly expensive to deal with, is kept to the absolute minimum.

Stock location management in your warehouse

RFID can even be used for better stock location. If you have ever worked on the warehouse floor, you will be more than aware of just how difficult it is to find items sometimes. Thankfully, RFID makes this easy. Many companies will attach RFID tags to products or pallets and ask employees to scan them. The scanning will take place in a specific location in the warehouse. Whenever an employee needs an item from there, they just need to check the database and they will be led straight through to it. Picking is going to be incredibly easy.

This is barely scratching the surface of RFID technology too. There are a number of different things which you can do with it, and warehouses are coming up with new ideas all the time. Some are using it to assist with invoicing, others for inventory tracking (this method is MUCH more reliable than the barcode method as it ensures products do not get lost). Implemented correctly, it may even reduce the impact of theft and the like from your warehouse.

Yes, RFID technology is going to cost a small amount to implement into a warehouse. However, once it is there, it is there. It will pay for itself rather quickly, and you will be able to enjoy a warehouse which works far more effectively.

To become familiar with this subject, if you don't mind get in touch with us. POXO

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